Insights from Money2020 2017
Last week, I joined Money 20/20 event that is worldwide FinTech show in Las Vegas. It was really great to meet and share mutual insights...
Inside Fintech Conference Key speech
I would like to share great conference & Expo in Korea on Nov.30. It is not only largest block chain technology focused event series...
News Article Regarding FIDO Korea WG and Global PD
아래 기사들은 Global PD 홍동표대표가 FIDO한국워킹그룹 창설식 자리에서 기자단과 인터뷰한 내용이 포함되어 있습니다. The FIDO Korea Working Group officially launched "Leading a...
FIDO Seoul Seminar (Dec.6. 2017)
We had successful event two days ago. It is FIDO Seoul Seminar 2017. The event was one of important milestone for FIDO Alliance and its...
FIDO Alliance Vancouver plenary 2017
It was great moment that I could share Korean FIDO-related market and drivers and results of FIDO deployment in Korea. I was really proud...