Taiwan DigiTimes released article regarding FIDO trend with Dongpyo Hong's presentation
Taiwan's one of main news media released article about FIDO deployment world wide by quoting Dongpyo Hong's presentation.
Taiwan media released article for Dongpyo Hong's insights
Dongpyo Hong (Vice Chairman of FIDO Korea WG) was invited by Taiwan government and Egistec last week as an key speaker at the FIDO Taiwan...
Global PD exclusively managed government event from Nov.5 to 9
Global PD exclusively managed government significant event which is 'FIDO biometrics test event' in Korea. It was very meaningful in...
(Written by Sarah Landes) Why behavioral biometrics is the best second line defense
Why Behavioral Biometrics Is The Best Second-Line Defense Behavioral biometrics are best used as an additional component in a larger,...
Interview article regarding FIDO2
http://www.datanet.co.kr/news/articleView.html?idxno=121278 “FIDO, AI·IoT로 시장 넓힌다” 홍동표 한국 FIDO 워킹그룹 수석부회장 “공인인증서 폐지, FIDO 확산 기회. ...
Dongpyo Hong to have briefing about Korean FIDO ecosystem @ FIDO Plenary (Monterey, CA)
Dongpyo Hong had briefing regarding establishment of FIDO Korea WG and its updates at the Monterey FIDO Plenary on Feb 23. Mr.Hong...
Global PD attended MWC2018
Dongpyo Hong, CEO of Global PD, attended MWC2018 and supported Korean companies' marketing at FIDO Pavilion. This business trip was...
FIDO Alliance Blog by Global PD (February.12, 2018)
*국제 FIDO Alliance에서 최근에 FIDO Alliance 공식블로그에 제글을 실었습니다. 제가 지난 1월 샌프란시스코에서 북미기업들을 대상으로 '한국과 FIDO 시장동향'에 대해 발표한 것을 주내용으로 한 것으로 한달에 한번 정도...
News summary regarding announcement from Korea Government (No more public certificates for PKI authe
On Jan. 22, the proposal to abolish the use of public certificates for PKI authentication in Korea was reported by the Ministry of...
글로벌피디 홍동표대표, 글로벌표준화 전문가 선정 (한국정보통신기술 협회 선정)
글로벌피디 홍동표대표가 한국정보통신기술 협회에서 선정하는 2018년 글로벌 표준화 전문가로 올해에도 선정되었습니다. 2017년도에 이어 두해 연속 선정되었으며 이는 2017년 한해동안 홍동표대표가 FIDO 글로벌 에코시스템 및 핀텍등 정보보안...